Thursday, February 4, 2010

Welcome to George Brown College!

Dear Jacki

Congratulations! You have been accepted to the baking and pastry arts mgmt. program at George Brown College. This is the first step towards your future career. By choosing to attend George Brown College, you will be studying in a friendly, supportive and diverse environment that promotes academic and career success.

To confirmed that you plan to attend the baking and pastry arts mgmt. program at George Brown College, you must confirm online with Ontario College Application service by May 3. 2010.

Once you have confirmed your acceptance, we will mail registration and fee information around mid-June. George Brown College offers a wide range of payment options to suit each student's financial situation.

Once again, welcome to George Brown College. We look forward to seeing you this fall on campus!

Lesia Gryschuk
Manager, Admissions


  1. Thanks Katrina, I'm super excited! You work at the school? Maybe I'll see you there!

  2. Congrats Jacki! I'm super proud of you!

  3. Thanks Jennifer! I'd actually kind of given up on ever getting in, so this was a bit unexpected

  4. Congratulations Jacki. I am glad to see that everything worked out for you. Go for it Girl.

  5. Congratulations go girl!

  6. OMG Jacki!!! Congratulations!!!! I'm just tickled for you!!! Better lose that weight this year so you can test all those goodies you will be baking!!!
